Dumper Foo and I will be rocking Live Art tomorrow (FRI) night in Arizona at 944 Magazine's 8th Anniversary Party. Full details and artists profiles at: ttp://www.944.com/944is8
The Sept issue of Heavy Metal Magazine is on newsstands now, featuring my brand-new CARL story. My old college roommate, Nathan Fox, did the cover and the main story inside. His stuff is ridiculously good. It's like a Kansas City Art Institute reunion up in this bitch. Buy one at: http://www.metaltv.com/showitem.cfm?Itemnum=5392
Ain't It Cool News did a sweet review of Carl, along with the Kids of Widney High comic book, which I did the cover for: http://www.aintitcool.com/node/41945
I was super excited to reunite with Shawn, Clutchy, and Ubiquity Records to produce all the art (with Justin on colors) for their upcoming "Fascinating Fingers" LP, due out on Oct 13th. These guys are producing the best music on the planet, and it's a huge thrill for me to be along for the ride. We're doing a t-shirt, too! More details soon...