I did however find it very peculiar that they were extremely QUIET! This is definitely not your typical Lil Diva behavior!
So being the savvy (quiet = bad things when it comes to kids) and suspicious (what are they up to now?) minded mom that I am - I called out to them and asked what they were up to.
Instant thought in my mind - <Gulp> This can not be good!
I walked out of their room and peeked into my computer room - Empty!
I continue down the hall and into my room where I am greeted by:
"SURPRISE, MOMMY!" and the scene below (captured after I had a minute to recover and begged them not to move until I could grab my camera, lol! It's funny how used to that they are!)
Yes, the Lil Divas made up my bed for me! All by themselves and without any kind of prompting! It was a simple & spontaneous gesture of kindness that touched me beyond words!
Ours might not be the the most perfectly made up bed today (see close-ups below, lol) but it is the BEST in the eyes of this mommy!
I did not fix-it or make any corrections - I wanted to applaud their efforts and did not want to dampen the mood by making them feel like it wasn't good enough! After all it was more than good enough - it was PERFECT! Nothing beats something done by their lil hands and straight from their big hearts! Plus, I wanted their work to go untouched so that they could proudly show it off to their dad this evening after he returns from work! After all, effort like this should be applauded at least twice! :)
What sweet little surprises have your lil darlings given to you for no reason (i.e not your birthday or Mother's day)?