The Rest Is Up To You

"The Rest Is Up to You" is out now! Me, Gary Baseman, Shepard Fairey, Paul Frank, Barry McGee, Chris Ware, Mark Ryden, and over a hundred other artists all did collaborative watercolors with third grader Cohen Morano and they're all collected here in this totally fun, one-of-a-kind, badass art book. Introduction by DJ Shadow.

Cartoon Deal!

Slow Decade Interview


Every single one of my friends and crew came out to our event on Thursday night, making it the best art show we've ever done in LA. It was a magical night. I wanted to thank everyone, especially my partner in crime Bill Shag, the King Gum and Mizuo for helping us hang it all up, Jane Dope for the flyer, promotion, and photos, Kat G for workin' the merch table, DJ Expo for the incredible music, and Jessica at 72 and Sunny for allowing us to bring the funk.


We have spent countless hours hanging and drilling into brick, inhaling dangerous and deadly stone resin fumes. We have argued and laughed and cried and forced the King Gum to get drunk with us. We have eaten thai food at 3am. Fucking finally....TONIGHT is the night.

H.A.N.D.S. Sneak Peak

Once again Bill Shag and I have pulled an entire art show out of our asses at the last minute. Pure victory! Here's a sneak peak of what's going on. I've got collabo pieces with Bill, Scott C., Andy Howell, and Codak. It goes down tomorrow night....