There Just Isn't Enough Time to Do it ALL!

Warning - this post might come off as a little whiny but that's basically what I am right at this moment! A whiny mommy that just needs to vent and let loose!

I sit here typing this post and there are at least 10 other things I need to be doing right now - there's probably more but I refuse to actually think about it because that would just make me feel worse! There you see is my problem - I do not have the time to do it ALL!

I am in deperate need of a few more hours in my day though the reality is that not only is that not happening - I doubt it would do me much good! I'd just find more things to add to my list, lol!

This is ME - I am always moving, planning, thinking, doing. Yet I feel as if I am never caught up - the household chores are piling up, responsibilities at work are amounting to more than my "part-time" status allows for, etc...

What gets me is that others seem to have no qualms about adding to my list - assuming that I am a stay-at-home mom so I must have all this time on my hands! What planet are they visiting - because I'd like to go there? Where I am free to exercise, get manicures/pedicures, meet with friends for breakfast or lunch, shop.... I know a few mom's who have that kind of life - I DON"T! That I'm not complaining about - don't get me wrong. I am a stay-at-home mom so that I can be with my girls - that's my favorite part of all of this. What gets me is that so many people think being a Stay-at-Home Mom is all of those things I mentioned above - that I don't actually do any work. This is by far the hardest and most demanding job I have ever had. It's also personally the most fulfilling and I feel blessed to be able to have this time with my girls. I just wish I had more time to enjoy it.

I work part-time while my girls are in school in the morning and our afternoons are full. I currently have laundry waiting to be put away since probably Sunday - it's Friday! Sigh! Where's the maid when I need her? Oh, right - that would be me - the girl sitting here typing instead of putting away the laundry, lol!

I can't even imagine what things will be like when I do go back to work full time. How do you full time working mamas do it? I know certain things just have to take a back seat but how do you decide what that should be? How do you not feel guilty about what doesn't get done?

I feel so gulity about all the things I am not getting to in my day - like I am not doing a good job of this whole Stay-at-home Mom thing in certain areas! How do we find the time for everything? How do you come to terms with the fact that you are not SuperMom or SuperWoman? Right now, I'm struggling with that. :(
