Happy Earth Day! A Peek at Our Crafts and Books

Due to all of my personal family tragedies (we have had 2 unexpected deaths) this week has been pretty hectic, chaotic & well I'm sure you get the picture & can just imagine.

I did try and maintain some sort of routine for the sake of the Lil Divas - they are too young to understand everything that I am personally feeling & going through - so the show must go on so to speak.

It hasn't been easy but as a Mom, I am pretty used to putting myself last so while trying to smile & hide my tears, sadness and worry we actually got around to at least 1 Earth Day inspired craft & I thought I'd share because it came out really cute & was pretty simple to do (thankfully!)

Part of this craft was inspired by an Earth Day Mobile posted by my lovely friend & fellow crafting mama Aimee over at Classified Mom - thanks for the inspiration Aimee!

Craft: Earth 'Person' Mobile - we have a few mobiles already hanging around our house so I knew that I wanted something different for our Earth Day Craft. If you've been around for a bit you know I'm a sucker for hand/foot prints so I decided to incorporate the two things & make an Earth Person using the Lil Divas actual hand & foot prints that could hang as a mobile. On each hand/foot the Lil Divas drew a way the could help the earth. It turned out really cute & was very personal which I LOVED!

What You Need:
1 small paper plate
blue paint
green tissue paper (cut into small squares)
small brown paper bag
construction paper (choice color)
hole puncher

What To Do:

1. Paint the small paper plate blue & discuss that the earth is made up mostly of water

2. Show a picture of the earth and using the green tissue paper form areas of land - be sure to remind them there should be more blue (water) than green (land).

3. Allow plate to dry

4. Trace & cut out the child's hands & feet on construction paper (choice colors)

5. Brainstorm/discuss ways we can help the earth & then have the child pick 4 things to draw - 1 on each hand & foot cut out

6. Cut 4 long strips from the paper bag and fold accordian style for arms & legs.

7. Attach the hand/foot prints to the strips and then attach the 4 strips to the paper plate to form arms & legs as shown below.

8. Punch a hole at the top of the paper plate & tie string/yarn.

9. Display & enjoy your Earth Person Mobile!


