Wordless Wednesday - Bunnies, Chicks, Goats & Turkeys, Oh My!

The Lil Divas' preschool had a farm come by for a visit with some of their animals. I had the opportunity to spend the day with the Oldest Diva on the day it was her class' turn to visit the animals. She is usually scared of petting animals but I was so pleasantly suprised to find that she was so into it this year!

She loved the bunnies & baby chick best of all:

She pet each & every animal including a baby pig, sheep and some goats

The funniest part for me was watching her trying to pet the turkey! Tom Turkey was fast on his feet & kept running away

but she refused to give up & was very determined to pet him too

In the end - she was victorious with a little help! lol! Gotcha!
