No More Babies & Yes, I am Shedding Tears Over It!

Well, it's official - I don't have babies anymore (unless the hubby wants another asap, lol!)!

My baby isn't a "baby" anymore - today she turns 4 years old and according to her she is a "big girl"!

It seems as if it were a mere blink of the eyes ago that they were laying this tiny little baby girl on top of me and I was "meeting" her for the first time. Now she is this beautiful big girl - so full of life, spunk and love!

I am blessed to be her Mom. Watching her grow is an honor and a privilege - I don't take a moment of this for granted.

I am so proud to be her Mom. She has such a sparkly personality - you can't help but fall in love with her. She is smart, fiery, funny, super girly and so full of love - she is truly our lil cuddle bear!

I actually cried tonight thinking that I put my 3 year old to bed for the last time and when she wakes up tomorrow - my "baby" will be 4!

All I want to know is where has the time gone? And who the heck said it could go this fast!

I still remember this little precious pink baby like it was just yesterday!

She grew before our very eyes & that first year flew by in a blink.

It might have been the severe lack of sleep that made it seem more like one big long day versus 365 of them but honestly - it was gone before I knew it!

It seemed as if over night she was 2 and really coming into herself. We were lucky she never had a terrible 2's but .....................

She definitely made up for lost time at 3! Oh, don't let the sweet, innocent little face fool you!

She is one fiery little Diva!

Yet, we wouldn't have her any other way!

At 3 she developed a love for all things pink and sparkly - of course that means lip gloss and jewelry and LOTS of it!

She deemed shorts and pants of any kind unwearable and fancied herself a Princess!

She started ballet and preschool and way too quickly went from being our baby to being a big girl.

and now she is 4 and although she is definitely not a baby anymore - she will always be my baby!

I look forward to what this year will bring.

To simply taking the time & enjoying all these moments which pass by way too quickly.

Happy 4th Birthday to our Lil Princess!
I know you are a big girl now but you will always & forever be my baby.

With Love, Hugs, Kisses & even a few Tears,