The Sunday Showcase - 6/12/11

The SUnday Showcase
Welcome to The Sunday Showcase a fun Linky Party where you can "showcase" your fun kids crafts, play ideas and activities!

If you are here for the first time please take a moment to read our informational post for full details.

We had such amazing activities and crafts posted last week - thank you to everyone who linked up! We are so inspired by your creativity.

This Week's Showcase Features (chosen from last week's entries):

Julie from Fumbling Through Parenthood shared with us a photography lesson entitled: Photo Scavenger Hunt - Rainbow Style!

Melissa from The Chocolate Muffin Tree  taught us the art of printmaking using glue!

and The Learning Table shared an easy recipe on how to make homemade fossils.

If you have been featured grab a button - you've earned it!

The Sunday Showcase Feature

Here are this week's "Showcase" crafts by your Hostesses:
Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas:
Ladybug Rock Craft
An easy hands-on craft the whole family can enjoy! This would make a perfect gift or addition to your garden.

Classified: Mom
Baby Crab Craft
Teach your young toddler/baby how to make a crab through hand and feet painting. Great for sensory exploration and very simple to make!

Crab Baby Craft

Now it's your turn - link up directly to any kid friendly crafts and activities you'd like to showcase. They can be for play or learning we only ask that they be child centered. No giveaways, shops or inappropriate links please - they will be deleted.

Aimee (Classified:Mom) & Bernadette (Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas)