Word Family: _ug (this went well with our bug/insect theme) & the short /u/ sound
Books: This week we used books from Bob Books, Set 1: Beginning Readers (the Lil Divas read these nightly), Sight Word Readers Parent Pack: Learning the First 50 Sight Words Is a Snap!
Sight Word Fun:
Shaving Cream Writing: This week the Lil Divas wrote their sight words in shaving cream! What messy learning fun! They enjoyed it so much we went through and practiced spelling/writing all the sight words we have learned so far! It was a great way to make reviewing fun and exciting.
Sight Words Song - Each week we sing a simple sight word song for each word to help the lil Divas with the spelling/recognition of each word. The Oldest Diva really likes this & sings the song with different sight words on her own! :)
The Sight Word Song (sung to to the tune of B-I-N-G-O)
There was a sight word I wanted to spell and BIG was my sight word.
B-I-G (clap with each letter) spells big,
B-I-G (clap with each letter) spells big,
B-I-G (clap with each letter) spells big
& big was my sight word!
We follow the above tune/format for each of our sight words!
We continued to use the Sight Word Printables from MissChapple.com. They include writing the word, recognizing and finidng the words in a chart/table as well as within sentences. The girls have really gotten the hang of these - even the Littlest Diva.
Sight Words Color by Number (from 1+1+1=1)- this week I had the Lil Divas work on coloring their sight words by number. The Oldest Diva enjoyed it but the Littlest Diva had no interest in doing it. She did one word and even that was with lots and lots of prompting from me. I will try just letting her color and/or decorate her sight words next time. I think the color by numbers was too rigid for her - just not her thing right now.
The Oldest Diva however did seem to enjoy it and it was a good way to review color words with her too.
Word Family Fun:
This week we used our _ug word slides (from ABC Teach) to practice forming and reading _ug words such as bug, dug, hug, jug, mug, rug and tug.
Then the Lil Divas had to turn over their _ug words (printed on mini flascards), read them and match them to the correct picture in the pocket chart. (taken in part from a printable on ABC Teach)
We also used an _ug mini-book from 25 Read & Write Mini-Books That Teach Word Families
A few pics of what it contains -
This was a fun and easy activity for my 5 year old to do independently. She really enjoyed it. I know they have these kinds of mini-books online for free as well. I actually had this book in my boxes from my 1st grade teaching days & just recently remembered having it so I pulled it out to use at home with the Lil Divas.We also used a few activities from The Moffat Girls Ready2Read Unit 4:
I used the _ug family pictures with our Melissa & Doug Deluxe Alphabet Stamp Set
I had the oldest Diva work on the Read it, Trace it, Paste it sight word/word family sentence - Look for my bug. She enjoyed this and was able to complete it independently. Just look at that level of concentration! :)What reading activities have you been working on lately?