ABC Fun Z is for Zebra: Marble Painting w/the Letter Z

We have had lots of fun with our Zoo Theme this past week. 
We read many fabulous stories, enjoyed lots of great crafts & activities that we will be sharing with you and even took a trip to the zoo! so much FUN!

Today we are sharing our ABC Letter Z craft with you.
This is going to be part of the ABC Book that I am creating with my 4yr. old.

It turned out so cute that even my soon-to-be Kindergartener wanted in on the fun.

Z is for Zebra

Isn't our Zebra Z cute?

Ready to make your own?

Here's What You Need:
white cardstock
blue construction paper
black foam
wiggly eye
black & red permanent marker

Here's What We Did:

1. Using the white card stock I made a large Z template

2. I taped it onto a large tray and added a few drops of black paint and marbles (the Lil Diva used 4 to match her age!)

3. Then the Lil Diva had fun rolling the marbles to create stripes on the Z. After they were satisfied with their stripes we let the Z's dry.

Here's what they looked like after rolling. 


 To Turn the Z into a Zebra:
sorry about the lack of photos for this part - dead camera battery :(

4. I cut a mane out of black foam. The Lil Diva glued it under the Z and then cut strips to make it look like hair.

5. I cut out a tail & she cut it into strips to look like hair as well and we attached it to the lower part of the Z.

6. Add wiggly eye and draw smile & nostril (make side profile of face)

7. I had the Lil Diva copy Z is for Zebra onto the paper.


Didn't she do a great job? :)

We also practiced making the letter Z using our foam puzzles

and writing in a plastic baggie filled with black paint -
the Lil Divas LOVED writing this way.

