Holiday Overindulgence

Christmas is that time of year when kids are showered with all sorts of gifts! Many, many, many gifts!
Or at least mine are & it seems that I am the biggest culprit. <Gulp!>

I started off this holiday season vowing to myself (& my poor husband) that I was going to curb the amount of gifts the lil divas get this year. I really, really meant it too (HONEST)!

Now, I'm faced with so many hidden packages that <SHUDDER> both my mother and brother are housing gifts in their homes. I know, I know! What was I thinking? Am I crazy? Well, how can I put this...YES!

I am actually dreading Christmas Eve night when I have to get all these gifts out of their hididng places and I am faced with (dare I admit it) my OVERINDULGENCE! There, I said it.

I have good intentions (really, I do) and I am fully aware that having too much can cause more harm than good. No, I do not want the lil divas to just expect they will get everything they want and ask for. I do not want stubborness and tantrums when they are faced with the word NO!

So why do I allow myself to get caught up in this holiday shopping frenzy? I don't know. Well, maybe I do but just a little. I love the actual shopping process. Bargain hunting is a thrill for me! I see all these things (at really great prices) that I know the lil divas will love and before I really know it, I am putting the bags in the car or reading my order confirmation e-mail for an online order!

Yes, I have a bit of a problem! I hate to admit that I surpassed my girls Christmas list, buying them things they never even asked for (but I know they will just love). But honey if you are reading this -  Next year, I promise to curb the excess! Really! :)