A Lil After Christmas Shopping

So the house is (sort of) back to normal after the big "Christmas Disaster of 2010" - most of the new toys have found a home (at least more have than haven't so the odds are good!)

I am feeling pretty darn yucky today - the Lil Diva's cold has finally gotten to me! Pair that with the fact that I have been sleeping little for days and doing so much in preparation for Christmas, this cold is kicking my butt! Aargh! Like I have time to be sick!

Cold or not, I still braved the mall today for the After Christmas Sales (yes, I am mental - I told you this before!) and scored some good deals! The Disney Store  is having their Twice Uopn a Year Sale and I scored cute PJ's for the Littlest Diva at half off! She just loves looking like a princess and the Deluxe Princess Nightgowns can be pricey so I couldn't pass it up! She absolutely squealed in delight when I came home with her pink Sleeping Beauty version & already wore it to bed tonight! :)

GYMBOREE is having their semi-annual Big Red Balloon Sale! I LOVE GYMBOREE & I especially LOVE this SALE!!! It's a great time to stock up because they bring out all those older lines from the stock room! I scored 6 items for less than $25.00!!! Seriously, you can't beat that!!! I am sure to return as they just keep pulling stuff out from the stock room at diffrent intervals! This is a sale not to be missed!

I also visited Old Navy and got jeans for the Lil Divas ($10) and for myself ($15)!!

All in all a productive shopping day - cold and all! :)