Where Does the Time Go?

My Oldest Diva is turning 5 in just 5 weeks! Where has the time gone?

I vividly recall laying on my bed and calling out to my husband in an embarrased panic that I had peed myself - and would need his help to clean up the mess! I had no contractions, no pain at all - so I did not think my water had broken! When I got up off the bed - GUSH! I knew this was not just my wicked bladder! My water had broken - it was 2 weeks early but she obviously was ready to meet the world! I waited for the pain but nothing came! I was worried - is it normal to have your water break but feel absolutely NOTHING?

Off we went to the hospital where I endured a Pitocin induced labor. I do not recommend it - oh the pain! I was seriously wishing I could go back in time to the pain free bliss when I felt nothing! :)

2 epidurals later (the first did not work on the right side of my body) I was completely numb! I could not move anything but my head! I was so worried I would not be able to push - how could I when I couldn't feel a thing? The nurses assured me my body would do what it was supposed to but I was doubtful.

My inability to feel made me exert too much force & boy did I ever tear (TMI - i know!) but hours later my darling baby girl arrived and one look at her just filled me with such love and awe (I made this perfect lil being - WOW!) that the process in which she arrived did not matter - she was worth that and so much more!

Now here we are almost 5 years later and I am filled with such love and awe at the sight of her each and every day! I am continually amazed that this wonderful lil person came from me (and the hubby of course - must give credit where credit is do!).

I love watching her grow into her own lil person - the good, the bad & the ugly, LOL! Yet a part of me wishes I could stop time - it seems to all be going so fast! Now I understand what my parents meant when they always told me that no matter how old I was, I would always be their little girl. It's impossible to look at this growing girl and not catch a glimpse of that little face that I first gazed down into on the day she was born.

So here is your glimpse of my baby girl on the day she was born and the amazing lil girl she is today!