Family Fun Friday: Rain, Rain, Go Away! Indoor Rainy Day Fun for Kids (Part 1)

Late May in FL means the rainy season is upon us and being trapped all day indoors with hyper and bored kids isn't my idea of a good time! So I have a few fun ways to beat the rainy day blues (and not go insane in the process)!

Want to know what they are? I hope you said yes because I am about to share my fabulous Rainy Day Fun List with YOU! Feel free to do a lil dance of happiness, thank you! ;)

Now, when I sat down to write my handy dandy list - I just kept going & going! So I decided to make this a little series - so that I could fully explore each idea with you. 

So are you ready for some fun? Good, then read on!

Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas Rainy Day Fun List: Part 1

1. Play Dough - Do it! Bring out the play-doh! Don't have any on hand? Try the easy recipe listed below and whip some up together for even more fun. Play-doh can bring hours of fun, I kid you not! Need a few ideas for inspiration? Try making cupcakes - add sequins, beads, pipe cleaners, etc and now you have a party (maybe paper party hats are in order as well?)  Cupcakes don't appeal to your lil one - how about making some monstersanimals, letters, numbers, shapes, people, jewelry...the possibilities and the fun are endless! Incorporate your cookie cutters, safe kitchen tools, etc and let them explore, create and enjoy.


Easy Play-Doh Recipe #1 (cooked verison)
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1/2 cup regular Morton salt
  • 2 pkg unsweetened Koolaid
  • 2 TB Cream of Tarter
  • 2 TB Vegetable Oil
  • 2 cups water
Instructions for Playdough: In a large pot, combine all the dry ingredients.  Mix well.  Add the oil and water.  Stir over medium until the mixture is firm and hard to stir. Be careful not to over cook.  Dump out of pan onto a lightly floured surface.  When cool, knead until dough is smooth and pliable.  Store in an air-tight container.  Refrigerate. This can last up to 3 months if stored well! :)

Easy Play-Doh Recipe #2 (non-cook version)
1/4 cup salt
1 cup flour
1/4 cup water

Instructions for Playdough: Mix the flour and salt in a bowl then add water. Knead and squeeze the dough until it is a clay like consistency. You may need to add more water. Note: This dough doesn't last as long as the cooked recipe above - just an FYI.

Need Color? Divide your play dough into sections and knead in food coloring (liquid or paste). A FUN scent-filled version - use Kool-Aid

Another fun idea - add glitter for sparkly play dough! My Lil Divas love all things sparkly and it certainly makes things more fun & engaging for them!


2. Craft & Create - take out the craft supplies and let them go wild!  They can paint, draw with markers or crayons, use a dry erase or a chalk board if you have one. They can make paper bag puppets, paper plate craftseasy paper crafts (just print & craft) and so much more. Let them use sequins, glitter, etc. It might get messy but it will also be lots of creative fun!

Need a more structured approach? Why not prepare a few crafts ahead of time & put the materials away specifically for rainy days. Then when you are faced with a rainy, indoor day - you can just pick one of your stashed crafts and work on it. Obviously I have lots of craft ideas right here that you can do - Kids Crafts. I will also share a few of my personal go to crafty sites and blogs - Family Fun Blog, Disney's Family Fun, DLTK Kids, Classified:Mom and First-School.


3. Sock Puppets - we all have lonely socks around the house who have somehow lost their mate. Where do those socks go between the time they get put in the washer and out of the dryer? I am always left with onr or two that simply disappear! I hope you saved yours because a rainy day is the perfect time to have fun making & playing with sock puppets. Puppet Show anyone? :)

A Few Simple Sock Puppet Tutorials:

What a great way to craft together and then take what you made and spend quality time playing! You can make your very own Puppet Theater presentation - the Lil Divas and I will, of course, require tickets to this fabulous show you will be putting on! :)

I hope you enjoyed Part 1 of my list. Don't forget to come back next Friday for Part 2.

Linking to  Childhood 101 - We Play!Sharing Time,  Get Crafty,  For the Kids Friday, and Preschool CornerFun for Kids Friday , It's Playtime