ABC Fun F is for Flower: Food, Crafts and Learning Fun

As our Flower theme comes to a close I want to share a few of  the things we did we this past week that I didn't get to post.

A cute lunch  made in honor of our flower theme:
PB&J sandwich in a flower shape (used a cookie cutter) and a  Fruit Flower - made from strawberry slices, blueberries & mandarin orange slices

 The Lil Divas worked on Do-a-Dot Letter f's courtesy of Confessions of a Homeschooler - the lil divas really like doing these.

We also worked on a Letter Ff Hunt page courtesy of Beginning Reading

Craft: Coffee Filter Flowers

What You Need:
coffee filters
watercolor paints

What To Do:
1. pre-cut the coffee filters into a flower shape by folding in half until you get a small slice - then cut the 2 sides so they represent a petal shape as seen below)

2. paint flowers using watercolors

3. flowers will be very wet - be careful not to rip and let dry fully before decorating

4. After flowers have dried you can apply sequins, jewels, etc if desired

Activity: Parts of a Flower
What You Need:
tissue paper in desired color for flower
green foam (stem)
green construction paper (leaves)
brown pipe cleaners (roots)
blue construction paper (background)

What To Do:
1. We made flowers using the tissue paper (a rose & sunflower)
2. we cut the brown pipe cleaner into pieces to look like roots, a stem from the green foam & leaves from the green construction paper and the lil divas assembled the flower
3. Then using word cards I had made they labeled the appropriate parts of the flower.

Seed Power - A Numbers Matching Game
What You Need:
Flower cut outs (I used a flower shaped notepad)
Number cut outs

What To Do:
1. With a marker color in seeds on each flower cut out for the desired numbers you would like to use. We used 1-20 (I am reviewing 1-10 for the lil Diva and 11-20 for the Oldest)

2. To Play: 
- I set out the number cards (1-20) in mixed up order and made a pile of the flowers (also mixed up)
- The Lil Divas took turns picking a flower and couting the seeds and then finding the correct number card.

It was an easy and fun way to review counting & number recognition

Hope you enjoyed our Flower/Garden Theme as much as we did! If you missed any of our activities just click the link to check out everything we did!
