Wordless Wednesday 5/31 {w/linky}: Get Out & Play - Preschool Sports Day

The Lil Divas had a Sports Day at Preschool & I was a volunteer Mom during my Oldest Diva's day!

Here's a peek at some playtime fun, flops & laughs:

Let's try some hula-hooping!


Ok, wait a minute - let's try that again!

I think I got it Mom!

or maybe not!

Wonder who she takes after? haha!

That's alright, Mom! I'd much rather try my luck at bowling

and the egg & spoon race

 some good old fashioned relay races

and even a little baseball

Yay, I got it!

What a FUN Day! :)

Now it's your turn! What are you sharing for your Wordless Wednesday this week?
