Fucking finally!! It’s been a minute. Feels good to get back to the Ink Stains. I knew I couldn’t stay away forever. Back in 2009, when the economy hit the shitter, all the freelance work dried up, and I had the worst year in my professional art career. I actually thought I was going to have to move out of my apartment at one point, and that I might end up homeless on the streets of Hollywood. Ugh. So, I decided to keep myself busy, to keep my mind off things, and I began to document the weirdness of my life out here in comic form. Thus, Los Angeles Ink Stains was born. Ironically, the comics got a great reaction and a nice cult following and a bunch of new people became aware of my work. 2010 hit and I began getting offers for work again. Making money off your talent is awesome, it’s the only way to live, and things started to look up again. Unfortunately, non-paying work, like Ink Stains, fell to the wayside. Then this year started off with such a bang, I just didn’t have time for it at all. But then I realized how much rad shit I have missed out on writing and drawing about. And I’m not one of those people that gets super personal with the facebook and twitter stuff. I just use those things as tools to pimp my work. It seems like cheating documenting things that way. And everyone is doing it now, and it’s like, honestly, who gives a shit? This is my format. So, here we go! Remember, the entire archive of Ink Stains is right HERE. A collected book is in the works, too. Thanks for reading!