Family Fun Friday - Butterfly World Adventures

Living in FL we have lots of opportunity to be outdoors and explore nature.
There is so much to see and do - it is one of the things I love about living here!

Today, I'd like to take you on a Family Adventure through Butterfly World -
a butterfly farm and research facility made up of 10 acres of aviaries and botanical gardens. It also happens to be one of my favorite local places. Why? Quite simply, it's like a lil piece of paradise once you step inside - there are thousands of live butterflies just fluttering all around the beautiful gardens.

The Lil Divas love walking through the authentic Tropical Rainforest Habitat - complete with waterfall and misting cave. They could run and back and forth through this cave for hours if we let them. They never seem to tire of it.

Once you pass through the aviaries you step into the lush Garden areas.
My favorite is the Rose Garden. When they are in bloom it is simply breathtaking!



The Lil Divas love the Suspension Bridge that leads to Macaw Landing.
They love how it rocks and sways as they move across.

It is so cute to watch them walk/run from opposite ends and meet up in an embrace in the middle - they do it every time!

Another of my personal favorites is the Lorikeet Encounter. I always get a kick out of how these birds will land on your back, head, etc... The girls enjoy feeding them nectar and watching them eat from their hands - though they do get a bit scared when there are more than 1 or 2! :)

Finally, there is the Bug Museum - home to some of the creepiest bugs around!
The girls love watching those creepy crawlies! Me - I'd rather stay far away but being the amazing Mom that I am I dutifully endure the Bug Encounter every time we visit Butterfly World. :)

Butterfly World is one of those quaint places that is perfect for a family outing.
You can pack (or buy) lunch or a snack and just enjoy being in such lovely surroundings. We have been purchasing Season Passes for the past few years and it has been worth every cent.

Another great feature/perk is that Right outside is a fab lil playground!
The Lil Divas love to stop and play there after our time in Butterlfy World.

Hope you enjoyed our adventure!
Join us next Friday for some more Family Fun!


(P.S) This was a dusted off & revamped old post that never saw any traffic - it was actually my 1st Family Fun Friday post! I really wanted to share Butterfly World on the Show Us Your Town Hop since it's one of my fave local places so I thought it would be prudent to use my initial & mostly unread post and add current pictures, etc to it rather than do a whole new post. Hope you don't mind but I felt this lil post deserved some more attention/reads!