What it Means to Be A MOTHER

Sometimes I look at you
and can't believe you are mine!
Ever since I was a little girl I knew
I wanted to be a mom someday.
I just had no idea all that it would encompass.
You bring me such joy -
seeing the world through your eyes has made me feel like a kid again myself.
It fills me with hope and endless possibility because to you everything is possible.
It also fills me with worry because as your mother, I only want the best for you and sometimes the world is cruel.
I wish I could shield you from all that is ugly
but I know that isn't possible.
All I can do is fill you with love, strength
and the knowledge that I am here for you -
no matter what!
I look at your sweet little faces
and I hope that you grow up knowing
and feeling how loved you are,
even when you make mistakes.
For, it is through making mistakes
 that we learn and grow.
I know I have made my share of mistakes as your mother and I'm sure there will be many more.
I am learning right along with you
on this adventure.
I can only hope you know that I have the best of intentions and that my heart is in the right place - WITH YOU!
Always with you!
I love you baby girls and you will always be Mommy's Girls no matter how old you are!