Where's My Hazmat Suit?

I am in dire need of a hazmat suit, STAT!
My home has been contaminated. It is toxic.

The Lil Diva brought the germs home last week - most likely from Pre-School!

She catches EVERYTHING! She was out of school for a week.

Poor thing you say! How about poor ME? This Mama is exhausted.

Of course now that she is FINALLY recovering - she has contaminated her poor sister and so the viscious cycle begins anew with no end in sight.

YAY - even more sleepless nights & cranky Divas! This is surely my idea of a good time, right?

WRONG! I am begining to unravel! I am TIRED of runny noses, coughs that interrupt my sleep all night, fever and vomiting and CRANKINESS!

Oh the crankiness! I can so do without the cranky in my day!

Frankly, the whole thing is making me well.......cranky (just ask the poor hubby!) :(

To make things even better - the hubby is now infected too! YES, I kid you not! They ALL have it!

See why I need the Hazmat Suit! The Nasty & Horrible GERMS have obviously taken over my home!

It's either the Hazmat Suit or ..........run for the hills and leave the cranky sickies to fend for themselves.

After the day I had today, that is beginning to look like the better option afterall! :)

What? You're shocked I said that or at least admitted it for all the world to see? Well, in my defense I never claimed to be perfect! I am not a Super Woman or a Super Mom. I am just ME trying to do the best that I can on a daily basis.

Today, it felt like a losing battle. Today, it felt like what I had left to give was not enough. Today I feel tired and spent!

I LOVE my family, both in sickness and in health but after the week I have endured I could go for some healthy right about now & this Mama is not ashamed to admit it!

Bern - BTW, I made 500 (followers!) Wow & YEAH!!!!

P.S. Don't forget to enter My
Giveaways going on now for:

Crunchy N Yummy freeze-dried fruit snacks (ends 2/13)

ToggleBandz Adjustable Headbands
 (ends 2/15)

PetCakes -Adorable Plush Toys
 (ends 2/14)