Igloos, Penguins & Happy Feet, Oh My!

Finished up our fun Penguin Week!
I have a few more activities to post/share. 

Penguin & Igloo lacing cards - got these from Oriental Trading (pack of 12 winter themed cards) and love them! They are even on sale right now for $4.99! Can be used with so many themes or just for fun.

Craft : Building Igloos

I must warn you this was more of a fail than a success but it was so much fun I decided to share anyway! We used ice and vanilla frosting to build our igloos! We didn't get very far bc the girls were too busy sucking ice and eating frosting so the ice was melting and slippery and our igloo wouldn't stick! :)

It turned into an icy playtime which was fine - we talked about how the penguins slide on the ice and how cold it is! I just went with what we had going on and turned it into a teachable moment! :)

That's as far as our igloo got! Notice the frosting on her lips! :)

To finish off our theme we had a penguin themes movie night last night!

Movie Night: Happy Feet

The girls had seen it before but after all our penguin activities and books this week - it really made them pay attention to things more. We were naming the different kinds of penguins and really noticing lots that we had learned in the movie! It was a great Movie Night! I am going to try and do this more with our themes from now on if possible! It was a fun way to end things & it really showcased how much we had learned about penguins.

I have 1 more post to finish up w/some fun games and then we are oficially done!

Next theme - Dr. Seuss Week! This is going to be fun! :)