Rainbow Theme - Making Rainbow Crayons


Letter Rr Practice

Do-a-Dot Rainbow Rr's
(template courtesy of Confessions of a Homeschooler)

R Foam Puzzle
Upper Case Letter templates - I just used various colored craft foam & cut the pieces out according to the template

Rainbow Crayons

(Idea came from teaching-tiny-tots.com)

I recently found a bag full of crayons & crayon pieces from when I was actually teaching in the classroom! I hate to throw them away so I saved them & was so glad I did because we got to use them for this fun craft to make rainbow crayons!

I used a Wilton Hearts Shaped Candy Mold Tray (it's what I had) and the Lil Divas sorted our crayon pieces according to color. We then peeled off the wrappers (this took awhile & they got a bit antsy so if you have younger kids you may want to spend some time before hand doing this yourself)

Then we snapped them into smaller pieces and mixed up lights and darks of each color (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple) into the mold (2 for each color)

Put them to bake in the oven at 200 degrees for about 10mins - they just need to melt so the colors mix. It probably could have been less time but the Lil Divas weren't letting me get a good peek (see pic below, lol!)

Here's what ours looked like right out of the oven. You must allow ample time for them to cool and harden again so they easily come out of the mold and keep their shape. I had a few casualties along the way becasue the lil Divas were dying to see the end result so I rushed things & they were not ready to come out - lesson learned!

I put the tray in the fridge and it sped things up nicely & they popped right out since they were nice and cool!

Our finished products & they actually work! The girls drew pictures with them but I forgot to take pics!

Happy Melting,

* linked up to Sharing Time *