W is for Wind: Experiment - Can the Wind Move It?

The arrival of Spring brings lots of windy days. Today we explored the letter Ww and the different types of things that wind can move with an easy and fun at-home experiement.

Here is a recap of our activties:

Letter W Do-a-Dot Page (from Confessions of a Homeschooler)

Letter Ww Hunt (from Beginning Reading)

Letter Ww Word Hunt (by Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas)

Wikki Stix W's

Letter W Foam Puzzle

Experiment: Can the Wind Move It?

 What You Need:
 Wind Experiment Template (Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas)
tissue paper
cotton ball

What To Do:
1. The Lil Divas cut out the pictures of the items were using in our experiement.

2. They hypothesized which objects would move with wind blowing and which ones would not move by putting the corresponding pictures in the correct column on their sheet (do not glue)

3. One at a time I presented them with the objects (place on the floor or table top) and they used their straws to blow wind at the objects.

4. After we went through all 8 items the Lil Divas went back to their sheets and checked if their hypothesis had been correct. They made corrections if necessary and glued the pictures onto the correct column.

We had a fun day exploring wind! Enjoy!
