Lil Diva Cowgirls!

The Lil Divas (really my oldest) are in a Cowgirl/Horse loving phase! It's so cute - she really just wants to be a cowgirl and is enamoured with all things HORSE related!

She just got her first "cowgirl" hat and has been wearing it proudly for days! Of course it had to be purple - any other color simply would not do for my purple loving Lil Diva! :) See pics below of my Lil Diva Cowgirl!

She is quickly making a collection of toy horses and insists she needs a barn for them (but of course!). She proudly wears her pony themed pj's and wants any book she sees with a horse in it! Basically, if it has a horse she wants it! I think she's getting just a tad obsessed lol, but really what lil girl doesn't want their own horse? :)

I love to see her so passionate and enamoured with something that is so all her own! I honestly don't know where it came from bc we sure don't have any horses but her love is real and so enthusiastic!

Her 5th birthday party is going to be held on a working barn in 2 weeks (yikes - still so much left to plan!). She is beyond excited to put it mildly! I actually can't wait myself - I can't wait to witness her excitement and happiness!

I mean honestly, can it get much better for a horse loving cowgirl than to have your birthday party in a barn surrounded by real horses! Score 1pt for mom - I had an awesome idea, didn't I? Actually I think that deserves 10 pts - wouldn't you agree? :)

Any other horse loving cowgirls out there?

Do your kids have any obsessions they are totally into at the moment?

I know they do - so share! :)