Keeping the Thank You Card Tradition Alive in Children

The holiday season is over and though a bit later than I had intended, the Lil Divas and I recently sat down and penned a Thank You Note to friends and family for the generous gifts they received.

In a time where e-mails and texts are the main form of communication I think this is a wonderful way for the Lil Divas to intimately express their gratitude and do it in their own way.

I used to send Thank You Notes or them when they were babies and slowly began allowing them to help and be part of the process as they got older. They began by holding the crayon with me as I write their name, then adding their own scribbles once they could hold a crayon or pen on their own. This was followed by the addition of their own "drawing" to my letter and then eventually to the signing of their name as they were able to write it on their own.

This year the Oldest Diva (almost 5) knows how to write all her letters so I knew she could write a basic note for herself. I spelled out the words T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U for her and she wrote them and then she added a picture of a horse (horses are her current obsession). When I told her to sign her name she told me she wanted to write I Love You so I helped her spell it and she finished by signing her name to her note. She was so proud of having done it by herself!

The Littlest Diva who is 3.5, and still learning to write her letters, was not to be outdone by her big sister. She mader her picture and then set about writing the same things on her card (with my help for a few letters). I was so proud of her desire to do it for herself!

I only had them make the 1 card not to overload them. I will make color copies of it and include a special picture for each person of the girls with the gift that was sent to them. As they get older I will have them write individualized notes but for now I wanted to keep it appropriate to their level and not turn it into a "chore". I wanted them to have fun with it and really take the time to express themselves - and they did!

It may not seem like much but I hope that by taking the time to do this after holidays and birthdays it will instill in them the importance of demonstrating our apprecaition to others for their generosity. After all, I always remind them to say "please" and "thank you" and I want them to know that it extends beyond when they are asking someone for a favor.

Didn't they do a great job?
