Lil Diva Birthday Extravaganza Week

I am so excited! Not only is my Lil Diva turning 5 next week (Feb 3rd!) - but I have some great product reviews and giveaways to share with you in honor of her big day!

We are going to do some serious CELEBRATING here on Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas!

I hope you're ready to party Diva Style?

Not only will I be posting all about her wonderful Cowgirl Themed Birthday Party (be ready for lots & lots of pics) but I am going to be sharing our reviews of some wonderful Lil Diva Approved Products and launching our very first giveaways all week!

Here is a sneak peek at some of the products (Yes, I am being a tease!)

and more......

Stay Tuned - the fun starts this weekend! :)