M is for Mittens - Mitten Math Match-Up


Missing Mittens (MathStart 1) by Stuart J. Murphy

The book reviews even and odd and while I didn't find it to be the most interesting story we have read it was great to utilize as a counting opportunity and we spent time counting all the mittens for each page.

Activity : Mitten Math Match-Up Game

Here are the  Mitten Number & Dot Printables from  KinderPrintables.com . I laminated them and cut them into 2 sets of cards.

How to play the game:
We displayed all the mittens with numbers on the floor and we made a pile of the mittens with the dots. The Lil Divas took turns picking a card from the dots pile. Once they had a mitten thay counted up the dots (1-12) and then matched it to the correct Numbered Mitten!

They loved the game & played over and over! Great way to practice counting & review number recognition.

Here's a Lil Diva counting up the dots on her chosen card:

Making Mitten Match-Ups:


Hope you have as much fun playing Mitten Match-Up w/your lil ones as we did!