S is for Snowflake - Stencil Art Fun

We read Hello, Snow! by Hope Vestergaard

Next, the Lil Divas worked on writing the letter Ss.

We used First School's Letter Ss Alphabet Tracer for quick writing practice

Then we enjoyed snowflake stencil painting!

*I used the Litttle Dover Activity Book Fun With Snowflake Stencils ($1.50 on Amazon) for this activity but you could easily create your own stencils by cutting out a design on cardstock and laminating*

-         blue consturction paper
-         white paint
-         cotton balls or small sponges
-         snowflake stencils (see above)

I poured white paint onto a paper plate for easy reach. We used cotton balls to create a snowy effect because I couldn't locate our small paint sponges & it worked really well! The girls liked painting with something different!

Step 1: Pick a stencil & lightly dab with white paint

Step 2: Carefully lift the stencil - be careful not to smudge your design!

Step 3 : Behold your snowflake

Step 4: Repeat the above steps as desired!

Here were our final creations!
